Nar-Anon Family Groups
A 12-Step Program for Family & Friends of Addicts

“An image of a piece of paper symbolizing a newsletter”

The Serenity Connection is the quarterly newsletter of the Nar-Anon Family Groups. It is considered Conference Approved Literature (CAL) and can be used by all members and groups for meetings. You can subscribe via email, view past digital editions below, or subscribe to paper editions via our Webstore, and have it delivered right to your door.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the World Service Newsletter Committee at

In keeping with Nar-Anon Concept 11, Nar-Anon funds are used to further our primary purpose to carry the message, and must be managed responsibly. Email Subscribers will be removed without notice if they have not opened the email notification five (5) consecutive times and will need to re-enroll if they wish to continue receiving email notifications. (This policy will begin in January, 2020)


Paper subscriptions are avaialble for a yearly fee in our Webstore, and will be delivered right to your door. You may subscribe to paper editions of The Serenity Connection by going to our Webstore and purchasing one or two year subscriptions. If you prefer to mail cash or a check, you may download and print the order form by click here.

Submitting Your Story

The Nar-Anon World Service Newsletter Committee wants to hear from you!

The Seventh Tradition tells us we are self-supporting. Articles are encouraged and welcomed from all Nar-Anon members. Please keep your focus on the program at all times and share your experience, strength, and hope from the perspective of a Nar-Anon member. Follow the steps below to submit your stories to The Serenity Connection.

  1. Read the guidelines for writing and submitting articles here

  2. Download, print, and sign the copyright release form here

  3. Submit your story and copyright release form to

“An image suggesting a digital version of the Nar-Anon newsletter”

Current English Edition

“An image suggesting the Nar-Anon newsletter is available in some additional languages”

Current Other Language Editions

Spanish ( Español )

Farsi ( فارسی )

Russian ( русский )

Polish (polski)