Find a Meeting


As local conditions allow, some groups are returning to their physical meeting locations. Other groups are still meeting virtually. Please contact your local area or region for specific information regarding group changes, they will be the best source for that information. Some group, area, and regional website information can be found at

The meeting database changes daily. Search the map below for meetings around you. We suggest using your zip code, or your city name and state (i.e., Torrance, CA).

Some of the virtual meetings can be found on this page by switching to “List View” and entering “virtual” in the Keyword Search, along with other keywords such as the day of the week. Permanently virtual meetings are also listed on the virtual meetings pages.


Many Nar-Anon groups now meet virtually, without a physical location. A list of registered virtual meetings is available on the Virtual Meetings page.

Additional meetings may be found at regional and NSO websites on the other Nar-Anon sites page.

“A picture of a magnifying glass symbolizing a search”

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“A picture of a pencil suggesting an opportunity to submit a correction”

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what's nar-anon-small-4.png

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International Groups

We are updating our database to include both US and global groups to be viewed on the above map. Until then, you can view a list of our worldwide groups by clicking the below button.