Nar-Anon Family Groups
A 12-Step Program for Family & Friends of Addicts

“A bag with a dollar sign on it signifying money”

Nar-Anon Family Groups World Services 

Budget & Finance Committee


Duties and Responsibilities ©

The responsibility of the World Service Budget and Finance Committee is to maintain a regular review of the financial affairs of NFGH, Inc. The committee will review income, production costs, operating expenses, and changes in assets and liabilities as checks and balances, and make recommendations or suggestions to the BOT of any cost savings or adjustments that would affect the financial position of the corporation.

The committee will prepare a budget for each upcoming year to present to the BOT for approval, based on their review of income, production costs, operating expenses, the needs and requirements of WSO, the world service committees, and the fellowship as a whole.

Qualifications for Membership ©

In addition to the general requirements for serving on a world service committee, members should have an understanding of Concept Eleven: “Nar-Anon funds are used to further our primary purpose to carry the message, and must be managed responsibly”. Members should have knowledge and understanding of, or an interest in financial matters.

Contact Budget & Finance Committee: 

Nar-Anon FGH Financial Reports

  • Look What's New (PDF)

  • Look What's New -Once More (PDF)

  • Sources of Fellowship Funding (PDF)


  • Statement of Activity Year Over Year Through May (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through May 2024 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Budget Vs Actual Through May 2024 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through April 2024 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Budget Vs Actual Through April 2024 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through March 2024 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Budget Vs Actual Through March 2024 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through February 2024 - Revised (PDF)

  • Snapshot Budget Vs Actual Through February 2024 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through February 2024 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through January 2024 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Budget Vs Actual Through January 2024 (PDF)


  • Year-End Statement of Financial Position Through December 2023 (PDF)

  • Year-End Statement of Activity - January to December 2023 (PDF)

  • Year-End (Total) Snapshot Financials Through December 2023 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through December 2023 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through November 2023 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through October 2023 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through September 2023 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through August 2023 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through July 2023 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through June 2023 (PDF)

  • WSC 2023 Contribution(s) & Expenses (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through May 2023 (PDF)

  • Snapshot Financials Through March 2023 (PDF)

2022 (State of Affairs)

  • Snapshot Financials Through December 2022 (PDF)

  • Balance Sheet (as of Oct 31, 2022) PDF

  • Profit & Loss (Jan-Oct 2022) PDF

  • Operating Cash Analysis PDF

  • Profit & Loss (Comparison) PDF


  • Balance Sheet (as of Dec 31, 2021) PDF


  • Balance Sheet (as of Dec 31, 2020) PDF

  • Profit & Loss (Jan-Dec 2020) PDF


  • Balance Sheet (as of Dec 31, 2019) PDF

  • Profit & Loss (Jan-Dec 2019) PDF


  • Balance Sheet (as of Dec 31, 2018) PDF

  • Profit & Loss (Jan-Dec 2018) PDF


  • Balance Sheet (as of Dec 31, 2017) PDF

  • Profit & Loss (Jan-Dec 2017) PDF


  • Balance Sheet (as of Dec 31, 2016) PDF

  • Profit & Loss (Jan-Dec 2016) PDF


  • Balance Sheet (as of Dec 31, 2015) PDF

  • Profit & Loss (Jan-Dec 2015) PDF

  • Statement of Income & Expense (Jan-Dec 2015) PDF


  • Balance Sheet (as of Dec 31, 2014) PDF

  • Profit & Loss (Jan-Dec 2014) PDF


  • Balance Sheet (as of Dec 31, 2013) PDF

  • Profit & Loss (Jan-Dec 2013) PDF


  • Balance Sheet (as of Dec 31, 2012) PDF

  • Statement of Income (Jan-Dec 2012) PDF