Nar-Anon Family Groups
A 12-Step Program for Family & Friends of Addicts

Narateen Members Share

I can be honest…my mom is an addict. Sometimes we can’t get into the house if she is high. We make an excuse to go next door. I like going to Narateen so I can talk and be honest. I know Narateen is for me.

It`s no fun to be mad. Before I came to Narateen I was always mad at everyone, but mostly myself.😡 I blamed myself for my dad not being home anymore. I miss him and want everything to be like it was. By going to Narateen meetings, I feel different. They help me know that it wasn`t my fault.🤔

I like not being alone. I like Narateen because I’m learning how to deal with things without getting angry. I love and respect my mom and dad anyway. When I listen to other kids with the same problems I have, I don’t feel alone.🙂

I have new friends! 🙌 I never had any friends before I came to Narateen. My sponsor read something that said we soon make new friends and become part of the group. I like to come to Narateen meetings and be with my new friends. It`s great to be part of a group!

I can be happy… I was so sad about my dad using drugs.😥 I was afraid when my mom and dad would argue. Since I came to Narateen, I was happy to learn that it`s not my fault. Its okay for me to be happy even if mom and dad are not.

I have changed… I’m not mean anymore. I can listen to other kids. I don’t think they are stupid anymore. If they have good ideas, I say OK. I try to be nice to my dad too. #ProgressNotPerfection