Nar-Anon Family Groups
A 12-Step Program for Family & Friends of Addicts

All Narateen meetings listed on this site are compliant with the guidelines and policies established by the Nar-Anon Family Groups. If a meeting isn’t listed on this page, it is not affiliated with or sanctioned by the Nar-Anon Family Groups, and we cannot guarantee its authenticity or that they are adhering to child-safety standards.

If your area or region would like to start a Narateen program and list your Narateen group meetings on this site, the WS Narateen committee is happy to help guide you through the process.  Please email us at:

Narateen Virtual Meetings

Teens interested in participating in Narateen may join any of the meetings listed below, regardless of what region you actually live in.

• Please note, we are not allowed to include meeting log-in information. Teens (or their parents or guardians) must email the contact listed below in order to receive the information directly.

Day-of-Week Language Start-Time Time-Zone Meeting-Name Contact-Email
Sunday English 6:30 PM South Africa Time Narateen South Africa 2722 (V)
Monday English 6:00 PM Eastern Time HOPE (Helping Others Positively Express Emotions) | 16-095 (V)
Tuesday English 7:00 PM Pacific Time Narateen Pacific NW | 142-049 (V)
Thursday English 6:00 PM Eastern Time Stronger Together | 16-122 (V)

Narateen Face to Face Meetings

Day-of-Week Language Start-Time Time Zone Meeting Name Meeting detaile
Saturday English 2:00 PM Samara Time Flower | 007-007 October Street 55 Office 406 Tolyatti, Samara 445012 # 406