Nar-Anon Family Groups
A 12-Step Program for Family & Friends of Addicts


In this page: Desired Qualifications | General Duties | Budget & Finance | Conference | Literature | Narateen | Newsletter | Outreach | Policy & Guidelines | Website | World Convention | Human Resource

The World Service Committees are directly responsible to the WSB as noted in Concept Five, who in turn are directly accountable to the World Service Conference. In accordance with Concept Four, effective leadership qualities such as humility, integrity, trustworthiness, and a strong commitment to open communication, are essential to becoming a member of a World Service Committee.

Desired Qualifications

  • Attend Nar-­Anon or Narateen group meetings regularly

  • Completed 3 years of service in Nar-Anon

  • A working knowledge of Nar-­Anon's 12 Steps, Tradition and Concepts of Service

  • Ability to work independently and as a team member; make suggestions; be flexible in the decision making process; and complete assignments within deadlines

  • Be available to attend scheduled committee meetings using the technology pre-­ determined for such meetings

General Duties

  • Hold regularly scheduled committee meetings

  • Accountability for assignments given to the committee

  • fellowship, preferably through the Nar-­Anon website

  • Communicate the activities of the committee to the fellowship through the Nar-­Anon website and articles to the Nar-­Anon newsletter

  • Submit quarterly committee reports to the WSB and biennially to the WSC

“A bag with a dollar sign on it signifying money”

Budget & Finance

The Budget and Finance Committee maintains a continuing review of the financial affairs of NAFGH, Inc. Using this information, it's the committee's duty to make appropriate recommendations to WSO, the Executive Committee, or the Board of Trustees regarding financial matters.



The Literature Committee compiles, reviews, and edits literature to be presented to the fellowship for approval. This includes recovery, service, outreach, or other literature developed at the suggestion of the fellowship.

“An image of a piece of paper symbolizing a newsletter”


The Newsletter Committee produces a quarterly newsletter for the Nar-­Anon fellowship. They ensure that the newsletter expresses the Nar-­Anon message of recovery; reports the business of the fellowship; includes upcoming global events.


Policy & Guidelines

The Policy and Guidelines Committee researches develop and review all policies and guidelines proposed for fellowship approval at the World Service Conference. They update existing policies and guidelines as directed after every WSC.

“An illustration of members gathered together”

World Convention

The Convention Committee plans and hosts the Nar-­Anon World convention in cooperation with the NA world convention. The committee works closely with the host city's area or regional service committee, if one exists, in preparing the event.

Translation Resource

The purpose of the WS Translations Resource Committee is providing assistance for translation of conference approved literature. The committee does not translate literature.

“An image of a clipboard to suggest preparation for a conference”


The Conference Committee coordinates all aspects of the World Service Conference. The committee prepares and distributes the conference invitation, receives and reviews motions for the CAR, and confirms that all motions meet the criteria for placement in the CAR before distributing it.



The Narateen Committee advances the growth of Narateen. This is done by encouraging area and region support of Narateen through joint and individual events and activities (e.g. conventions, unity days, fundraisers, and Narateen weekends).

“A symbol chosen to represent outreach”


The Outreach Committee carries the Nar-­Anon message of hope throughout the world. This is done by developing and compiling outreach literature and material used to raise public awareness about the Nar­Anon program.



The Website Committee is responsible for maintaining the fellowship's website, ensuring its content is in keeping with our Twelve Traditions and includes up to date information for our members, trusted servants, professionals and the public.

“An image a folded map indicating the global reach of Nar-Anon membership”

Human Resource

The Human Resource Committee screens candidates applying to become members of the Board of Trustees and to forward a list of those most qualified to the World Service Conference to be considered and voted on at the WSC.