Starting a Group — Nar-Anon Family Groups

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 Nar-Anon Family Groups
A 12-Step Program for Family & Friends of Addicts

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If there isn't a Nar-Anon Family Group in your community, you can start one. Simply follow these steps to officially get your group started:

1.) Find Other Local Members

A group can't be made up of only one person, so you'll want to find at least one or two other Nar-Anon members that can help you set up a group. They can also assist in finding others that are in need of help and support.

“An image representing a meeting location”

2.) Locate and Secure a Venue

Typical meeting places are schools, community centers, or churches. If the venue charges rent, passing around the donation basket can help alleviate this cost. Once you find and secure a venue, move on to the next step.

“An image representing a packet of information”

3.) Get a New Group Packet

You'll need to purchase a New Group Packet, which includes all of the necessary information, literature, and guidelines on how to start a group. It also includes a group registration form.

“An image of a hand holding a small plant ready to be planted”

4.) Register and Grow

Fill out and send the registration form to Nar-Anon WSO, or simply register your group online; so that it can be listed on this website. From there, perform outreach to continue growing your group!

“The letter i within a circle representing information”

Tips for Maintaining and Growing Your Group

  • Attend open NA meetings to meet the relatives or friends of addicts after the meetings.

  • Inform doctors, social workers, clergy, and others in your community - who have occasion to counsel families of drug abusers.

  • Read through the Suggested Meeting Format for general tips, including covering group expenses and gathering contributions.

  • If you ever have any problems or questions within the group, you can always reach out to Nar-Anon WSO, by emailing them at, or calling 800.477.6291.

For the complete conference approved verbiage on starting a group, please click here for the PDF.