Nar-Anon Family Groups
A 12-Step Program for Family & Friends of Addicts
Nar-Anon Family Groups World Services
Translation Resource Committee
Duties and Responsibilities ©
The purpose of the WS Translations Resource Committee is providing assistance for translation of conference approved literature. The committee does not translate literature. This is done by Local Translations Committees. The responsibility of this committee is to ensure translations maintain the spirit of the NarAnon message, as well as, making sure the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Service are upheld in translations. The committee will have a database of each country’s translated Nar-Anon literature. Also, they will compile a list of English words or phrases that do not have a direct translation in each language, listing the translated words or phrases that do not have a direct translation in each language, listing the translated words or phrases.
Qualifications for Membership ©
In addition to the general requirements for serving on a world service committee, members speak English and one or more other languages; familiar with the steps, traditions, and concepts; have experience reviewing and editing literature with regard to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and writing; and be capable of using a word processing program.
The World Service Translation Resource Committee invites members to join their committee; click here for more information.
Contact the Translation Resource Committee: